CVEC Fiber

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CVEC Fiber Offers EPIC Speeds!

Speed, Speed, Speed!!! All internet providers talk about the speed of their network. But what does that really mean? And do I really need that extra bandwidth? Is it really faster?!

In order to properly understand the issue at hand, need to understand what the various speeds mean. We have all seen it – Mbps (or Megabytes per second) or Gbps (Gigabytes per second). This is the amount of data that can be sent, per second, across the internet connection. Think of your internet connection as a freeway and each lane of traffic represents 1) Mbps. If you have a 150 Mbps internet connection, then you have 150 “lanes” that you can send data down your “freeway”. Whereas, if you have a 1 Gbps connection, then you have 1,000 lanes to send traffic simultaneously.

So now the question is – How many lanes do I need in my freeway?

Video content has a huge demand for bandwidth to operate adequately. Otherwise, you get that annoying spinning wheel known as buffering. In today’s times with video streaming, online gaming, security cameras, and video conferencing taking place simultaneously throughout the day and in many cases from multiple users, the need for more bandwidth to the home is of utmost importance to ensure that people can work from home alongside virtual education and home security platforms without causing issues. To answer this need, CVEC Fiber offers the EPIC 2400 plan, which delivers 2400 Mbps of symmetrical fiber internet, to meet all of these demands, and more, to ensure that every user within the household can have uninterrupted internet access. In terms of the freeway analogy used above, that means you will have a 2400 lane freeway to send all of your data traffic across the internet!

By having access to CVEC Fiber’s EPIC 2400, enables households to ensure that each and every individual within the household has access to the necessary bandwidth they need, whether it is working from home participating in multiple zoom calls, streaming 4k videos, or kids participating in virtual classes. CVEC Fiber’s promise to improve life and serve community is evident by providing bandwidth that fits each household, rather than the household operating within the limitations of their bandwidth access.

Call our office today at (405) 382-3680 to learn more about CVEC Fiber’s services and if EPIC 2400 is right for you!